
Community Mediation is a consensual, self-determined process where participants work together with impartial, trained mediators to address conflict. Mediations are offered at times and in locations that are convenient to participants!

Mediation provides an opportunity for participants to:

  • Hear and be heard
  • Clarify issues and interests
  • Identify possible solutions
  • Create an agreement that works for everyone
  • asdfijas;lidfja;lsidjf;lasSelf-determination drives the mediation

Community Mediation can be requested by anyone. It is effective in a variety of situations; from resolving neighbor disputes and creating co-parenting plans to addressing elder care issues and improving parent-teen communication. Community Mediation  is used as a resource by the Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office, the Baltimore County Police Department, and Baltimore County District Court.

Or, call us at: 443-297-7897